Sex & The City!

I am glad to say I'm the proud owner of Sex & The City Season Six - Box Set! Samantha would be my kind of lady if i was a bloke! She has the right attitude bout sex and life in general! A tough nut as I would put it! Go gurl power and all that ...
I stumbled upon a site which has a few of their infamous quotes, so i thought i'd jot some of them down here in memory of em, so here goes:
Samantha: 'I will wear whatever and blow whomever I want as long as I can breathe and kneel.'
Miranda: 'If I see another crepe paper stork, I'm going to rip its cardboard beak off'
Samantha: 'I'm a 'trisexual'. I'll try anything once.'
Samantha: 'He did something to me that was so perverse! Okay, I'm just going to say it. He tried to hold my hand'
Carrie: 'Men who are too good looking are never good in bed because they never had to be.'
Yes, Yes, I will defeat, I am a Samantha wan fan :) ... How can you resist such humour! Only us ladies can really understand where this woman hails from! such Joy!! Ladee Da! Etc. Etc.
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