Sends my soul away! :)
CH CHA CHEW on this one :) Chris Cornell is DA BOMB! I would kill to have one of his babies, just so i could say, Chris E YO Dad! haha, ok im just playin with ya! he is sex thou! Last summer at Oxegen Music Festival 2005, The Delectable Chris came on stage with former Rage Against The Machine Band Members and blew us all away! Even after all those european shows, he was wild and alive as he ever is...
I would like to know though, did he actually hear me say that he was a "sexy mother fucker" and then hear all the girls go HELL YEAH!!!! cos this did infact occur at the upper front of the stage area! so yah.... he strutted his stuff and pulled some vocal stunts i was in awe by! I would like to meet this guy in person for sure. A man of experience, maturity and many a dark story to tell , no doubt!

Today I threw on "Out of Exile", I just love how he can be so vocally soft one minute and then manifest the true soul of rock! He's a walkin talkin stimulator!
Dedicated to my love of you , Chris Cornell - You My Bomb!
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