Lopez - She's Done It Again!

I truly don't know who to feel more sorry for, Freeman and Redford or Ms. I love myself so much it hurts Lopez. What has the world come to when they put such casts together. I reckon out with the Bazuka (spelling?) and aim it at the casting director.
This movie is about Lopez moving in with her estranged father in-law in order to provide for her daughter. It hasn't yet hit european cinema houses but no doubt it will.
I just can't help but feel ashamed for Redford/Freeman. What were they thinking when they agreed to be in a flick with the mind numbing Latino. I wonder if its worth sitting through. It will probably be a flick I'll pick up simply becos there is nothing else to rent out.
very good. thumbs up.
Sounds ropey. Reckon it's not my thing, and I'd be better off with some guns and shooting.
Pointing in the general direction of Ms. Look at me Lopez perhaps? :))
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