Here Harry Potter faces the Triwizard Tournament and Here we are introduced to 2 new schools (Beauxbatons and Durmstrang) allowing us to build an idea that the World of Wizardry is infact real.
Each task which Harry feels he is forced into, marks us in a way you simply cannot forget. My favourite is when Harry is underwater, which apparantly he took training in diving for. I can't wait to buy the score and play the track which was created for this scene. It really puts things into prospective for what type of world Harry is in.
However the biggest surprise for me was to find out who played the Ultimate Lord Voldemort. Brace yourself, it was infact "Ralph Fiennes". This Actor played the role exceedingly well. He protrayed the character the way I hoped, powerfully, fearfully and importantly grossly.
Quote - "I wanted him to be humanly evil, not an idea of evil..." Ralph Fiennes
Sorry guys, I couldn't find a better picture of Fiennes (preferably as Voldemort), if i find one you can be sure i will load it up here.

"This film is gonna hit you like, bang, bang, bang, adventure to next adventure..." Hermione Granger. I couldn't have said this any better, this lady knows how to get her point across. From all the interview clips i've seen, she says what needs to be heard.
A fine specimen in this movie is Victor Krum, not only is he sexy but his accent is legit, he isn't putting it on. This hottie is from Bulgaria and for all you ladies who need to know, his name real name is "Stanislav Yanevski". Let's hope he'll be appearing more often on our screens.

I was glad to see abit of humour here. Mad Eye Moody gets the opportunity to move an eye in a way you can not help but laugh at. Whats even better is the actor who plays him is Irish, Brendan Gleeson.
Gleeson's impression of Moody"When it comes down to it, he's a gun slinger with a wand..." Brendan Gleeson.
I'm not one for favouring quotes, but the lines in this movie just stick. Here are but a few that stood out for me ...
"Soon we must all face the choice, between what is right and what is easy..."
Albus DumbledoreProfessor Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody: Avada Kedavra! The killing curse. Only one person is known to have survived it, and he's sitting in this room.
Ron Weasley: You're fraternizing with the enemy!
Hermione Granger: The enemy?
"You must be anxious knowing what lies ahead, then again, we all are..."
Albus Dumbledore"The Goblet Of Fire, Only one will go down in history, Only one wins Eternal Glory..."
Albus DumbledoreDo not miss out, Do not turn away, Watch it, It is fantastic, memorable, and has got a good cast. Everything changes as sweet Hermione reminds us.... It's a kids thriller but it's still enjoyable!
A Source I think you should take a peek at is